
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

PROTEUS PCB CNC Drill--Gcode Generating for Mach3

PROTEUS Exellon Drill –CNC Gcode for Mach3 machine control.
In PROTEUS PCB Layout Design ,many of PCB Shops do not know how to edit the CNC drill code??
It is true,that is why they refuse to accept PCB jobs edit from PROTEUS.
This workshop will show procedure how to generate Gcode for Mach3 CNC Machine Control.
สร้างไฟล์เจาะรู จาก PROTEUS ยังไง?ร้านทำ Print บางทีอาจยังไม่ทราบและต้องการรู้วิธีการ
รู้แล้วมีประโยชน์แน่นอน เพราะรู้แล้วรับงานจาก file ที่ออกแบบจาก PROTEUS ได้เลย.

Workshop :CNC Drill Gcode from PROTEUS.
What you can do when finish the work shop?
Know how to generate Gcode CNC PCB drill File from Proteus for Mach3 Operation.

Hardware Tools: CNC Driller/Milling Machine.
Softwere Tools: Proteus,  Camtastic,  Kcam4,  Mach3

Procedure in brief.
  • From PROTEUS: Edit Target File,Export Gerber and Exellon Drill files.
  • From Camtastic:Import the files from PROTEUS,Edit and Generates modified Drill Files(Exellon).
  • From Kcam:Import Exellon file from the above task,edit and save drill file in Gcode format.
  • Edit the above Gcode to match Gcode used by Mach3 CNC .
  • Mach3 mill:Open the work file from above task within Mach3 , run the Job and enjoy.

Open the target file in Proteus.

On Top Menu Output  tab :export Gerber and Exellon for CADCAM Output layers as shown.

From Camtastic

On Top file menu bar select to click ImportàGerber Quick load

On Top file menu bar select to click ImportàDrill

Set  Exellon import form  as from  the  Proteus drill format  outputs .

On Main Control menu Tab click Reports-->Drill       to see Drill Report as shown.

Now, Panelize the PCB object from 1 to 6 panels.To do this.
On Top Menu bar Click ToolsàPanelize PCB :  we will create 2x3 Panels PCB for our job for  A4 layout work Area.This will match our CNC table top for A4 table size.If we have larger table size  we may choose the appropriate layout size.
Result from the previous operations.
On Main Control menu Tab : click ReportsàDrill  to see new Drill Report again.
On Top Menu bar  ClickàEditàMove: to move the work objects to desire work area for our CNC table.Results as shown .
Note that: the objects of the work area are depend on particular table layout and set up for each machine.This set up is only for example.

Check Box:  to see only the Drill layer.
On top menu click:  FileàExport,drill data..Select Layer and choose Units.
Save the Drill Data Files( exellon format file)
Open to see the above drill file with Notepad.This exellon format drill file will be used by Kcam CNC Control Software.
Note:This format is 2:3 ,none leadind and trailing zero.
From Kcam  

On top menu click:FileàImport,Exellon file:Select the drill file save from previous operation.

The result import work file can be edit and simulated in Kcam.On the right hand side of the figure show the Gcode file listing automatic generate by Kcam.

Test Run for The  simulation  in Kcam.

If the result CNC Gcode drill file is OK save it in Gcode format.

This file will be edited and used by Mach3 CNC Control software in final work.

Edit Gcode from Kcam(Left figure) to finalize Gcode for Mach3 (Right figure).

From Mach3 CNC Controller

In Mach3 CNC :open the Gcode from last Edit and Run your CNC machine….

So happy it works good.

PROTEUS PCB CNC Route--Gcode Generating for Mach3
to be continue ASAP.
